This is (yet another) CPAN metadata database that provides REST API for the CPAN distributions, intended to be used by CPAN clients such as cpanminus. Currently the only implemented endpoint is the resolver to get distribution file names from package names (a.k.a 02packages.details.txt.gz) but there's a plan to implement more to extract information from META.yml etc. See also CPANDB and CPANIDX for the similar works.


/v1.0/package/Package::Name[,Package::Name, ...]
Returns the latest distribution file path that contains the package and its version string ('undef' is a valid version string) in YAML format. Returns 404 status code if the package is not found.
Returns the latest distributions in YAML format.
Returns the latest distribution file path that contains the package and its version string ('undef' is a valid version string) in YAML format for matching packages.
/v1.0/package/Package::Name[,Package::Name, ...]?cpanel_version=11.28.0_100
Returns the latest distribution file path that contains the package and its version string ('undef' is a valid version string) in YAML format for the cpanel_ersion and tier specified. Returns 404 status code if the package is not found.
This is a modified version of use with cPanel servers. The source code is available here.